The fundamental thrust and raison d’etre envisaged by Mizoram State Sports Council is ‘creation of healthy, productive, and harmonious Mizo society through joyous involvement in physical activity and excelling in highest level competitive sports’.



The following broad mission objectives are set to realize our vision –

  • The development of infrastructure.
  • ‘Promoting Excellence’ at the national and international level Sports.
  • To initiate Talent Identification and Development Programme in the state.
  • To encourage mass participation under the theme of ‘Sports for All’ and hence promoting sports culture and consciousness.
  • Broad basing of Sports to enable creation of enough talent pool.
  • Promotion of ‘Health for All’ through participation in physical exercises.
  • To reach out sport promotion to every corner of the state especially to rural areas.
  • Promoting Women Participation in Sports.
  • Support and recognition of Disabled Sports:
  • Infusing Fair Play spirit into all levels of sports.
  • Promotion of indigenous sports.